Today finds me rushing, once again, to another meeting. This is with friends, at a friend's home. Yesterday, our Prayer Shawl ministry met at the local B&N for the afternoon. Small turnout, a good thing, since B&N's large library tables were covered with books and the reading nook was completely filled. So we sat at the tables along the cafe, not a good arrangement. It doesn't promote networking with all of the ladies there. Not the intimacy that works at the library tables. I'm going to call the store manager and reserve the reading nook. Just found out this is possible. Networking is good. A writer friend employed at the store filled me on this.
Working on the fifth block of the 21 block Wrap Me Up Shawl. This block is the ruffle, a first for me. I took this class learn all the different stitches and techniques in advanced knitting. The ruffle is fun to do. I hope to finish it tonight.
This afternoon, at Tina's, I'll be working on my Yoga wrap, a luscious wrap using Plymouth's Bristol Saint George yarn, a cashmere combination in a soft pink. These two projects are for me.
Being in the Prayer Shawl ministry means knitting for strangers and giving away our work for those in need. Lately, I've not contributed much but do have two projects going for the ministry. A baby shawl, in a pretty draped pattern that taking a long time to finish up. Also started another in Simply Soft that looks like sets of chains between garter stitch rows. But I confused all the purl yarn overs - not used to doing yarn overs on purl stitches and kept switching to the knit stitch. Have to frog.
Someday I'll get around to taking pictures and posting my ongoing projects. Right now, it's off to Tina's for the afternoon.
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