Finally...another post
When I said I procrastinate, I wasn't lying, was I? I do excel at this!
We're in the midst of summer and the humid, sticky weather is upon us. Sitting on the patio is out of the question on most days. It's sticky. It's hot. Even with the new umbrella in place, it can be too warm. Sometimes, however, we do have a neat breeze flowing down between the buildings here. That makes it pleasant.
I've continued on my Wrap Me block 14 out of 21. Block 14 almost undid me. It's been a stumbling block. It's a close knitted pattern called cross stitch by the designer. Only a two row pattern but somehow I manage to make errors even when I'm being extra attentive. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and I can't wait to finish it. So why don't I forge ahead with it?
Thank you notes are holding me up. Had a one of big O birthday's on June 23rd. My husband hosted a family party at a local restaurant. My brother and his wife, from Cleveland, Ohio, and sister and husband, from Reading, PA came in for the event. Also, the DH's daugthers and significant others came to the party, too. They traveled from Hartford, CT, Denville, NJ, and Hockessin, DE.
It was a wonderful party. The DH gave a spectacular speech, all about me and my activities and how proud he is of me. He also praised the women in the Prayer Shawl Ministry. He thinks this is a wonderful thing I did...starting up the ministry at my church.
Then his daughter stood up and thanked me for being so nice to her mother and that she was so happy I married her father. Can't ask for more than this.
The DH's daughters are highly creative and super intelligent...along with being attractive women. The gift they had prepared didn't come in on time, so the graphic artist in the group hurriedly put together another. She did an ad campaign, using ad campaign posters from yesteryear, substituting my face for the original face in the ad. When I saw the first one, I was taken aback. Where on earth did she get my HS graduation picture? Even I can't find that! It was really spooky, seeing me at 18 again. Turns out the original face in the ad had her hair fixed as I wore mine back in the day. Later on, this same daughter brought the original project she and her sisters dreamt up for me. It is a booklet, about 12 x 15, a memory lane trip. Pictures from the beginning of our relationships 40 years a go to the present. What a wonderful gift! On the back cover, there is a picture of the three of them with me and the caption reads "A Three Wicked Stepdaughters Production." Only these three...I can imagine them dreaming this up and the myriad phone calls back and forth.
Today is Prayer Shawl Meeting day at the local B&N. Got a gift certificate, a dollar for every year, from my sister and brother. It's burning a hole in my pocket. I want to make sure I make the best use of it. Now what books do I want that will amuse and entertain and educate me forever? My cat just shook her head and said, "Don't ask me. I can never understand you." Smart cat.
We are happy in this house lately. Our favorite team, the Pittsburgh Penguins, won the Stanley Cup. Pittsburgh,m, PA, where, alas and alack, we no longer live, is once again the City of Champions. Three Stanly Cups and Five Super Bowl trophies! What a town. I could move back there in a New York minute!
Off to do some more thank you notes. Next time...the Wrap Me Up shawl will be done. Meanwhile, I've posted some pictures of the work in progress.
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