As usual, it's been a long time between entries. So much time has passed.
November, 2008, I finally got the transmitter for my BAHA implant to help correct my single-sided deafness. Taking a while for my brain to "triangulate", as the doc says. This means that after all these years of life, my brain needs to recognize it's hearing on the right side. This is a first in my life, and it's been a great long life. Just lately I'm beginning to notice sound on my right side. Unique experience for me.
My Prayer Shawl Ministry gave away all the shawls, etc., we made in 2008. After the 11 a.m. Mass on a Sunday in November, a fellow standing at the table told me he was waiting until everyone was gone so he could buy all that was left. We did have a number of items left. For this he gave the ministry $500. Talk about generosity. In addition to this donation, the people of the parish donate over $500 more, giving us a grand total of $1200.
Now we don't encourage donations. We offer the items we make for free. They are for folks in need of comfort, solace and prayers. This is our gift to the parish and our work for God. However, the parishioners refuse to take them for free. Hence, the donations. So far, in 2009, we've given away 71 items.
My contributions to this ministry are scant. However, I do all the administration work, etc. But this doesn't satisfy my soul. I have a shawl on the needle, actually a christening blanket. Monsignor upped the ante for us this year. Instead of doing shawls, etc., for the sick and infirm, he asked us to make christening blankets for the parish. This doubled our output from last year. So far, we've managed to get two months ahead in baptismal blankets.
I'm busy doing several other knitting projects, a yoga wrap, and a Wrap Me Up Shawl (21 different blocks, knitted continuously in different stitches. The challenge is interesting. I'm anxious to get this down in the time allotted for lessons. (This shawl is a class at my local LYS). That's six weeks and already two weeks have passed and I only have 3 blocks done. The blocks go fast once you figure out where to start the next block and learn the new stitch. I'm almost ready for the ruffle.
Have to scoot, now and work on the WMEU shawl.
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