Lately, July 4th seems to signal the start of the end of summer. And summer didn't officially start until June 22nd. Perhaps this feeling occurs because since May, here in the northeast temperatures exceeded the norms for weeks. June saw high temperatures that usually don't occur until August.
No, I don't believe in global warming. I think it is arrogant of man to think he can contain and control this planet. Planet Earth is far stronger than man. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods change our landscape yearly...daily, perhaps. Man cannot stop these natural occurring events. Nature is a force far beyond our control. We can only sit in awe of Mother Nature as she quakes the earth, floods the plains, smashes the coast line to smithereens, and pours molten lava down mountainsides. Our feeble actions to destroy this planet or our beliefs that we can save the earth surely causes her amusement.
Now this doesn't mean I think we should treat the wonderful globe with disdain, spilling chemicals, spewing trash, and knowingly push out known pollutants into our air. Nope, not at all.
We were granted life on this beautiful planet by God, Mother Nature, whatever you choose to call this force that is behind this wonderful life we were given. We are responsible to be good housekeepers. Yes, the streams, rivers, and oceans need to be kept clean for the creatures that inhabit these waters. Forests need to be kept free of trash and pollutants and good husbandry practice in maintaining these forests for the well being of all the flora and fauna that reside within its limits.
Forests replenish the trees in less time than we realize. We have more and thicker forests in my area than in 1777 during the Battle of the Brandywine. It's up to us to be judicious in our use of trees. I believe God provided the means for us to keep warm, the wood, coal, natural gas, etc.
Since I got on my soap box rather than bemoan the passing of Summer 2008, I'll get back on track. This summer brought changes for me. I've developed lumbar stenosis (it's been on the back burner since the '80's). This year, the pain became excruciating, causes numbness in my legs and feet if I stand for just a few moments or walked for too long a time. Dr. Fine has administered two epidural injections, with one more scheduled for tomorrow. The first injection worked so well, I almost forgot my lumbar spine was deteriorating... a process of aging, a process I hate to admit is occur in my body. After the second epidural, the pain returned. The pain was especially debilitating during our vacation in North Myrtle Beach, SC.
I was scheduled to have surgery on July 24, 2008 for a BAHA hearing implant device to end my life-long single sided deafness. I suspected that this pending surgery was unconsciously on my mind, causing anxiety and tenseness. I was right about this. After the surgery, the pain essentially disappeared.
Our bodies and mind are amazing works of nature. I didn't feel anxious, in fact, I hardly thought about the operation.Yet, underneath it all, I was under
When this occurs, I will be given a small, bronze colored (to match my hair) device, approximately 1"square that will snap into the titanium plug and presto! stereo hearing for the first time in my life! Bone is a sound conductor and along with the titanium plug and the BAHA Divino device, sound will conducted to my right ear, making it seem like the sound is coming into both ears. Talk about stress. Now I have 2-3 month this to worry about how I will like/hate hearing more noise than I ever heard in my life.
As a kid, I just thought everyone had a side that didn't hear so they could sleep without noise. Not so. I've learned that I've been putting people off all my life, ignoring them since I had no idea they were even on my right side, let alone hear them. People just assumed I was snobby and aloof and non-caring. Folks don't react to deaf people as they do to blind people. How can they? They can't replicate the experience and deafness is invisible and unless one carries a sign saying "I'm Deaf...Be Nice", no one knows unless they are extraordinary observant and caring folks.
NMB is a nice, fun vacation spot. Introduced to"shag dancing...took me back to my teens and twenties. This is the same dance we did all those years ago. Only difference is the upper body remains still during the shag. My companions laughed at me when I said I could do the shag, that I did it as a teenager. HAH! One of the best shag dancers in the place asked me to dance and I showed them. Danced without a flaw. Just like I was born to it!
The leg and back pain doesn't bother me dancing. I sort of figured out it is the different movements we make when dancing as opposed to walking or standing. Dancing doesn't hurt. Perhaps I should dance my way through the malls, eh?
My knitting is on a holiday it seems. Four different projects on four different sets of needles along with a Knifty Knitter project...wait, make that two Knifty Knitter projects. It's my fascination with lace knitting that has been distracting me. That and the belief I have that I can only knit while watching TV. Gotta drop that thought. I need to knit silently, without distractions. Starting tomorrow....
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