Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Catching Up!

         It's about time I bring this blog up-to-date. As I say in the description, I procrastinate better than most people. December 4, 2010 was my last post. Way too long between posts.
         Well, gee whiz, I did it! Replaced defective Verizon Broadband equipment with their new and improved Verizon Broadband equipment. One dicey moment when I couldn't connect to the Internet, but all turned out well.
        Christmas was wonderful. Ed, myself, and his three daughters, Jane, Sue & Barb, Barb's husband, Jay, and Sue's special guy, Don enjoyed an outstanding week. Sue outdid herself in food preparation. Food was more than sufficient. Christmas Day dinner highlighted the entire week.
        Ed and I stayed at the Olde Pineapple Inn Bed & Breakfast just down the street from Sue's place. It's the oldest house in Melbourne built in the late 19th century by a pineapple farm. Seems this area was/is a large pineapple growing area. Who knew? I thought all pineapples came from Hawaii?  Live and learn.
        Breakfast at the inn was superb. Every breakfast different, served by the owners of the Inn. Everything from Omelets to Crepes to French Toast, etc.

March 22, 2011

       Gee, how I procrastinate. It's been 18 days, +/- since I started this post. What have I been doing?
       Well, for one thing, I've been a knitting fool. Working on the Endless Feather and Fan shawl. It's on #9 needles and 108 stitches plus 5 on either side for a border for a total of 113 stitches. When I do the usual 91 stitches for this pattern, it seem my shawl is to narrow, so I added an extra pattern repeat. Now I'm sorry. With the border, the 91 stitches would have been fine. Seems I'll never reach the 72 inch length I'm shooting for.

      Other knitting projects are the Wrap Me Up Shawl I started two years ago. This is a series of blocks, all different sizes and patterns, with each one a different technique to learn. Finally, I am close to finishing. I have one block to correct; just a corner. Then the shawl must be washed and blocked before picking up the stitches for the edging. Whew! I've done  a few changes in directions to make the shawl uniquely mine. I'm sure the author of the pattern will understand and forgive me. It's a beautiful shawl,. I know I need a picture of it on my blog but I tried that once and it didn't work out too good. Will try again later when I have  more courage.
      On my needles are two sweater patterns, a scarf, another feather and fan shawl in linen yarn. That's all the OTN's I can remember. ::whew-wiping brow:: One sweater needs to be frogged, that is, ripped out. When I changed to longer circular needles, I used a size bigger needle and so I must frog it. ::rip it, rip it,rip it::  :-D 
      Forgot about Emmaus Class at church last Thursday. I;m sorry to have missed it. Monsignor is discussing the Mass:  Ever Ancient, Ever New, is the title of the class. This is the Year of the Mass in the Roman Catholic Church so there is a lot of discussion about the Mass, what it is, what we learn, what we experience, etc. I find the subject fascinating.
      Duty calls. Must get back to knitting more today. A bit tired  after aquatics class. Will probably fall asleep while knitting. It's happened before. 



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