So...I'm the least visible blogger on the planet. Really, I forget all about my blog. And I still haven't mastered uploading pictures.
Knitting is my pastime as the name of my bloG indicates. I change the appearance and background to show my other passion...books. Avid reader. Right now it's Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell. The book was published in the 1960s and Caldwell said it took her 46 years to write this book! I can believe it. She writes in the forward of the book "The first version was written when I was twelve years old , the second when I was twenty-two, the third when I was twenty-six, and through those years work did not cease on this book." Wow!
Caldwell was a prolific writer, publishing 35 books in her lifetime. She was born in Manchester, England in 1900 and died in 1985 in Greenwich, Connecticut. Caldwell had four husbands.
It's my second reading since the '60's. What a difference to read a book 50 years later with all the knowledge one thinks they have in their twenties. I've learned so much more in this second reading. Caldwell has always been one of my favorite authors. I think I'll be re-reading her books for a while.
As for knitting, I finished a number of projects since my last post, but have yet to finish the Wrap Me Up Shawl. I have 3 small sections to go plus the edging and finishing touches. Other projects have interfered with the complete of this shawl. Shawls for friends,and for the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Christening blankets and lap robes. I'm a slow knitter but seem to make quick progress when I sit down to do it.
At my age, my attention wanders and I make silly mistakes which means tinking back (for non-knitters that means taking out the stitches backwards one-by-one) or else just ripping rows to the error. This happens quite a lot. Know it is said that only God is perfect and that we must leave a mistake in all our creations. Well, believe me I leave more than one. But I can't help trying to do just one project perfect. Reminds me of my days in my twenties when I wished to type just one page without an error. Never made that goal. Now the computer makes this possible.
Speaking of spelling (Wasn't I?), I read many posts where the spelling is atrocious. (Note, after I published this post, I noticed all my spelling errors ::blushing:: I came back and edited it. Talk about red faces!) I wonder if they ever read over what they have typed. So many errors in both spelling and grammar. Makes one wonder what they learn in school. One they don't learn is penmanship. And I won't start on my feelings about what history is being taught in our schools. Just believing in history, we continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Our Congress proves that every 4 to 6 years. Re-elections and new faces don't seem to change anything.
A congressman being interviewed recently (I've forgotten his name and the's my age, sorry) said when asked if he read the bill just passed, replied, and I'm paraphrasing here,
"Of course I didn't read it. We never read these things. We just pass them and then send back to 'experts" to write the law." Reassuring, eh?
Time's wasting. See you all in a few days, weeks, months, years.
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